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Congested Hallways, Crowded Classrooms–What’s the Deal?

Updated: Mar 22, 2022

Cindy Truong, Class II

As returning discipuli trickled back into the atria from summer break this year, they were confronted with the same troublesome sight from previous years: overcrowded hallways and classrooms. However, one thing that has changed is our ever-growing school population. This predicament has caused major worries and concerns for discipuli and magistri, especially with recurring spikes in the transmission of COVID-19 throughout the city.

Overcrowded hallways and classrooms are not unfamiliar sights throughout NYC public schools. At The Brooklyn Latin school, the lack of space has not only led to overcapacity in the building but also consequent safety issues and inadequate numbers of important facilities. This year, many returning discipuli were shocked to learn that lockers were not going to be available for discipuli use. Previously, two or three discipuli shared one locker, but with the increased student body mixed in with concerns of shared spaces because of COVID, the option of providing discipuli with lockers this year was not possible.

Many also feel that the limited space and facilities have put discipuli at a disadvantage when it comes to providing them with the resources they need to thrive. Libraries are valuable places in schools where students can quietly study and let their curiosity and imagination flow when they immerse themselves in an array of stories and narratives. However, due to unavailability in space, TBLS has not been able to operate a full-sized library. Nonetheless, our Student Senate Library Committee has launched our very own TBLS library that operates on a cart during all lunch recitations. Although you won’t find an extensive range of books and it won’t be in a typical library setting, discipuli have been taking initiative to make the best use of our space. Laboratory space is another essential facility found at schools. Labs give discipuli the opportunity to be hands-on, learn through experimentation, and have their learning enhanced outside of textbooks. However, there is only space for one fully-equipped lab at TBLS–a critical issue when all the class IV to I science classes need it.

These issues have sparked some frustration within discipuli, who have witnessed the evident complications resulting from the cramped conditions at TBLS. “Our lack of space is genuinely concerning,” class II discipula, Samiha Amin, commented. “Passing time in the hallways is a nightmare. Teachers pushing through with their carts, students plowing through one another with their backpacks–it’s quite literally an intense COVID zone.”

Many discipuli have wondered why enrollment has increased if the space that TBLS occupies isn’t able to properly accommodate the growth. In an interview with Headmaster Katrina Billy Wilkinson, any seeming lack of action from administration concerning this issue is addressed and refuted. “TBLS does not control the number of students being accepted or even receiving offers. That is solely the Department of Education’s Office of Enrollment who oversees that.” Headmaster Billy further adds, “I do chime in every year and let them know if this is ridiculous or not.”

What about next year? Will the trend of increasing enrollment continue? Fortunately, Headmaster Billy responded that it felt more like a partnership between TBLS and the DOE this year, and we will remain at status quo in terms of our enrollment numbers. “This is the first year where I feel like they heard the cries, and they finally responded in a supportive way, so we came to an agreement.” While there has been much interest amongst discipuli and their families for a new TBLS building, there are currently no concrete decisions on it. Headmaster Billy commented that the Parent Association is definitely looking into it, and “this is the first time that I feel there is a strong commitment from the DOE on making this really come to fruition as opposed to it just being talk.” The families of TBLS have been the ones who championed this work and spearheaded the talks of acquiring a new building into action.

As you may know, major changes to the space we have won’t happen overnight nor soon, so as we continue to power through the second half of this school year, it is important to be mindful of how you treat the space that we occupy at TBLS. That could look like picking up after yourself or treating our property with respect so every inch is utilized in the most effective and efficient manner. After all, we are all collectively trying to make this work.



Disclaimer: The views presented are not representative of all the beliefs of TBLS or the TBLS Latineer, but rather the individual author.

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