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Headmaster's Corner

Updated: Apr 23, 2021

What I didn’t know then that I know now….My year as HM

Ms. Katrina Billy Wilkinson

It has been quite the year, especially for being a new Headmaster. I never could have imagined in million years this year would have ended this way. It’s been an emotional roller coaster full of challenges, obstacles and tribulations. The year has also been rewarding, full of breakthroughs and innovation. I truly believe that after this unprecedented moment and time in our history, there will be great opportunities, change and a new way of life for all of us. I consider us all survivors and we will all be better because of it. 

The year has been rough due to the COVID-19 pandemic, transitioning to online learning, public declamation for Founder’s Day (virtual edition) and of course, the loss of our very own Ms. Nguyen; all while leading an entire school community, and maintaining personal care for me and my loved ones. For me, the hardest moment was dealing with the murder of George Floyd and the global outcry for justice to finally be served in a system with a history of police brutality. This modern day lynching triggered the widespread outrage and protests where I was anxious to take part. 

Due to the DOE’s policy, schools can not share any correspondence to families relating to any legal or political matters without approval from the DOE’s legal department. Because of this policy, TBLS was not able to respond immediately to all the unrest in the nation. For the first time ever in my career, I was a Black female Headmaster at a diverse specialized high school. WOW, what do I do? I will tell you this, you discipuli let me know very quickly…..why it was too little, too late. I’ve learned that sitting in the Headmaster’s seat, one must have thick skin and always have an open mind to hear the message or see the bigger picture. I’ve also learned that it can be a lonely position, especially when you all are the very people that I am fighting for, and you inspire me to push forward. To learn that I have disappointed you, my discipuli, was very difficult for me. Although some of the emails and comments that were sent to members of the leadership team came across very personal and harsh, the messages were received and your voices have been heard. It is creating change within our community as outlined in the letter to the community that was shared on June 12, 2020. This letter highlights the agreements that were made between TBLS administration, magistri and discipuli.

I truly appreciate the time and effort magistri and discipuli put into collaborating, and building a bridge to create a better community for us all. I believe it will require us all in order to do so successfully. The collaboration between administration, magistri and discipuli is one of the things that I love most about working in our community and very proud of. I look forward to being in the building together to revisit these events in an effort to improve upon effective communication for all stakeholders. Thanks for stretching me, enhancing my capacity to learn more, be better, and find new ways of being, both professionally and personally. I would be remiss if I did not give my most heartfelt appreciation and gratitude to the TBLS staff and magistri for always believing in me, even when I didn’t believe in myself, and for your constant support and trust in me. I will never forget this year, nor would I ever want to! 

Have a great summer, stay safe and see you in September!



Disclaimer: The views presented are not representative of all the beliefs of TBLS or the TBLS Latineer, but rather the individual author.

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