Reflect, Rejoice and Rejuvenate by Ms. Katrina Billy-Wilkinson

As I was thinking about my final message, I hit a wall and couldn’t think of anything different that I wanted to say to all of you that would be different from the message I shared with Class I Seniors. Like the saying goes, “If it’s not broke, don’t fix it!” So I decided to share a few excerpts from my speech on June 18, 2021. Please really take in this message and be sure to apply the three prompts mentioned during your summer vacation, if you haven’t done so already. I know I sure will!
During the past year and a half, we’ve experienced challenges we never thought to see in our lifetime. A pandemic that sadly claimed many lives, an event that forced us to stop and appreciate the things we’ve taken for granted. We've learned to cherish more than ever, family, friends, health, wellness, nature, education, science and social connections. We witnessed social injustices and marched on a global level for equality. Most of all, we learned that despite these extraordinary challenges, the human spirit allows us to rise above and move on, to grow and adapt from the lessons we’ve learned for the betterment of society. Now this is your time, time to reflect, time to rejuvenate, time to breakthrough and make a positive impact in this world!
Due to the pandemic, you were forced to sit still and reflect on where you’ve been and how you will be better in the future. You had time to think about what worked in your life and what wasn’t working. Perhaps, when you realized what was not working, to your surprise and delight, you became more centered, and at peace. Self-awareness is very important and should always be with you at all times. When you are self-aware, you’re able to identify your strengths, celebrate your individuality and use your experience to change the world. All of these tools will support you in college, your careers or wherever you go in life.
Rejuvenation is also key. It allows us to reduce stress, become more healthy and improve the quality of our life. We rested our bodies from the day to day grind and learned to be present with family and loved ones. We made healthier choices such as diet and exercise, and improved upon our physical and mental wellness, happiness and finances. Personal care and social connections became a priority for the first time in many people's lives by rejuvenating old friendships, making new friends, and keeping family close via Zoom.
As we travel through the end of any difficult road, we should all rejoice. We rejoice in and honor the communities that came together to help those in need, the essential workers and individuals that braved uncertainty to offer protection and care, and to all of my students who, despite the disruption, stayed the course and made it through triumphantly. We honor the lives that were lost, comfort those who were affected, and use this opportunity to turn our sadness into something beautiful. Maya Angelou once wrote, ““I've learned that… No matter what happens, or how bad it seems today, life does go on, and it will be better tomorrow. “Perhaps you are now inspired to create and innovate. As we transitioned to remote learning, you’ve learned and developed new skills and opportunities. As cities, states and countries began to reopen we have begun to see new innovative ways for people to live in a post pandemic world. Some people may say, “I can’t wait to get back to normal” but normal will forever be different. You will exist in a new normal, with a new mindset and understanding of what it really means to live out loud. That means changes to our laws, policies, lifestyle, careers and opportunities. This is your time to flex your creativity and be a change maker for the future! I’m sure at one point you realized something was missing, or thought, wouldn't it be cool if someone invented this or that, or discovered or created something new. I have no doubt this class will be successful in such endeavors!
I leave you with a few parting questions and words. What has your breakthrough been or what will it be? What have you reflected on during this quiet time? How have you rejuvenated yourself to help you weather the road ahead? We will be forced to deal with the lows of life but we must always be intentional to celebrate the highs. This is your time and the best time to create something special. There is only one way to go and that is up so go as high as you can and know that we will always have your back and safety net to catch you. Onward and upward always! In the words of Audre Lord, “When I dare to be powerful, to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid.”
Enjoy your Summer and see you in September! I love you and can not wait to meet you face to face for the 2021 - 2022 school year. Take care and stay safe until then.
Ms. Katrina Billy-Wilkinson a.k.a. HM