Have you taught at other schools?
Yes, I’ve taught at other schools. I’ve been in the system for twenty years. I used to teach mainly at an automotive school.
What subject do you teach? What do you like about that subject?
I teach Spanish. I love the subject. I am from Costa Rica myself, and I was born there, and came to America. I like teaching the culture, and being a second language learner I’ve seen what a second language does.
What do you like to do outside of school? What hobbies do you have?
Biking, and traveling. So, right now I’m working on getting to my 100K in one day. I often go out, and I don’t get to do it, but I’ve gotten up to close to 90 so far.
What is your favorite movie?
My favorite movie would have to be The Breakfast Club. You can find the letter [read aloud in the beginning of the movie] online, and it’s in many languages. So it reminds me that you know, everybody’s an individual, and you don’t want to put people in boxes. In the movie they put people in boxes, but the kids show the administrator a big lesson, you know, they were not who he thought they were.
What borough do you live in?
I live in Brooklyn.