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Ms. Zaga Interview

Have you taught at other schools? If so, where?

So, I’m a student teacher, I haven’t fully taught at any other schools, but I’ve done student teaching at one Elementary school. It’s the Sunset Park Avenue School. And I do some work with a company that contracts for the DOE. They send us to schools all over New York. 

What subject do you teach? What do you like about this subject?

I teach art. Visual arts, art history. What I love about it is it leaves a lot of room for expression and for discussion, and it kind of brings that creative and visual part of the student into play. 

What do you like to do outside of school? What hobbies do you have?

Outside of school I like reading a lot. Usually I read science fiction/fantasy. My favorite series ever is Harry Potter. Yep, I still re-read it once in a while. I play video games, The Sims mostly.

What is your favorite movie?

The first one that pops to mind is Remember the Titans with Denzel Washington. I’m a big fan of sports dramas in general and that was one of the first ones I saw.

What borough do you live in? How long have you lived there?

I live in Brooklyn. I’ve lived there for a little over a year. I’ve lived in New York for a year and a half, so most of the time that I’ve lived in New York I’ve been in Brooklyn.



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