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Recipe: Veggie burgers

Roma Kerr, Class III

Photo by Roma Kerr

Total time: 30 minutes

Makes 4 servings

Everyone loves burgers, but sometimes we feel bad about the animals that are summarily executed to satisfy our whims. Well, I have good news for you. With this recipe, you can satisfy your burger urge and occupy the moral high ground. No animals were killed in the making of these burger patties. So, suit up, and get yourself ready to whip up these marvelous meat-free burgers.



2 cloves of garlic, crushed/chopped finely

1 leek, or a small onion, chopped finely

4 button mushrooms (or similar mushrooms) chopped finely

2t fresh basil, or 1t dried basil

1 zucchini(courgette), grated

2T flour

1t salt

¼ -⅓ t pepper

2 eggs

Oil (for cooking)

Slices of cheese


Burger buns or pitas






Mix the patty ingredients together in a bowl. Put the pan on high heat with some oil. When the pan has warmed up, lower to medium heat and spoon the mixture onto the pan to create patties, pressing them down to flatten. They should be ½ an inch thick and 4 inches wide. Fry with a lid over the pan for 6-7 minutes on the first side. Flip, put the slices of cheese on top of each patty (so they melt), and fry for another 5 minutes or until cooked. It’s best to make all four at once so that they’re ready at the same time.

Place patties on burger buns or in pitas with mayonnaise, lettuce, avocado and tomato. Enjoy!

This is a versatile recipe— you can experiment with substituting or adding your own favorite vegetables and spices! It is particularly good with kumara instead of the zucchini.



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