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The Pros and the Cons of the Mask Mandate Removal

Updated: May 25, 2022

Zaara Ahmed, Class IV

There is a somewhat new hot topic within discipuli that has been nerve-wracking for some, fun for some, and intriguing for others. This hot topic is the removal of the mask mandate within New York City schools.

New York City high school students have been facing limitations prior to the removal of the mask mandate when it comes to methods of communication within the school, types of activities allowed to be done, and much more. With the removal of the mask mandate as of the 7th of March, many of these limitations have been removed. However, controversy is present within the community on whether or not the removal of the mask mandate was a good idea. Some say that the virus is at an all-time low so there isn’t a need for the mandate anymore, while others say that the virus will spike again with the removal of masks. This debate is still ongoing, even a month into the mask mandate removal.

Some skepticism remains within the TBLS community regarding whether or not it was a good idea to remove the mandate. Many TBLS discipuli expressed skepticism and worry with COVID cases increasing with the mask mandate being removed. Their worry stems from the idea that a person is more susceptible to catching the virus without a mask, and with people choosing to not wear their masks, the virus has an easier time spreading. Most discipuli who fall in line with this argument believe that more time is needed and that it is too early to remove such a mandate.

Other discipuli have very different beliefs and believe that it is beneficial for the mandate to be removed. Such discipuli argue that many activities within TBLS were hindered due to these mandates such as group activities, declamation, seminars, and much more. These discipuli also argue that COVID cases are at an all-time low so there is no need to have a mandate. They feel that the mandate isn’t needed anymore and it’s time to move forward from a past of social distancing and isolation to a more social and communicative community.

Opinions may change and controversy may die down, but with time, we will see the true effects of the removal of the mandate and whether or not it brought good, bad, or a mix of positives and negatives to the community of TBLS.



Disclaimer: The views presented are not representative of all the beliefs of TBLS or the TBLS Latineer, but rather the individual author.

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