Amina Khan, Class I

Photo by Misskaterina from Public Domain Pictures
Disclaimer: This is a work of satire! Please do not misuse school property.
As winter approaches, the wind becomes heavier, and the sun becomes lighter. As you all may know, and most definitely have felt, it has become colder in our school due to the windows being kept open. Now I know what you are thinking; it’s what we all have been thinking for the past few weeks. “Why are they torturing us? Why are the windows open? Why am I suffering?” Now I understand these concerns, but because of COVID regulations, we need ventilation in rooms. This means windows open even when it starts to snow and rain, and those of you sitting by the window in your classes, well, good luck. So, because I know you are suffering, I am going to offer you some tips that I think will help you keep warm during this cold winter season.
Layers: Now you may be thinking, “We already know this; what’s the point?” Well, let me tell you the point. The logic behind layers isn’t just some classes are colder than others and I should dress accordingly—no. You need to create a table for each of your classes and list out the pain levels that the cold causes from a scale of 1-10. You might even want to coordinate colors and create a key; I’m thinking red, blue, and purple for the classes that cause your fingers to numb!
Bunsen Burner: Now, another tip that is pretty handy and accessible is a bunsen burner. This item is found in almost every high school lab in the United States. If you are unfamiliar with what a bunsen burner is, it is a gas burner used as a heat source in experiments. Carrying this around with you between classes may be a hassle, but I assure you that this will provide you with the best heat source, compared to the broken radiators that surround the school. It’s also great for making s'mores in the back of the classroom!
Face Masks: Now, this is something you should be wearing to school everyday. It can be a great resource to use to your advantage, and guess what, you already have it! For those days when your face is shivering and you would've needed a scarf to cover your face as well, you now have a mask that provides additional cozy protection. The wind even provides you with rosy cheeks the second you uncover your mask—liquid blush who?
Heating Pad: One very accessible thing our school offers are outlets. Take advantage and bring in heating pads that you can use to warm yourself up. If I were to offer some extra advice, I would say to add one under the tush. We all know that school seats can get extra cold!
Hopefully, these tips will be of great use as the weather starts to worsen. Stay warm everyone!