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Youtube Rewind Disappoints Again

Darin Tso

This year's YouTube Rewind, as expected, was a disappointment.

Last year's YouTube Rewind received horrible reviews. In just a week, it became the second most disliked video on the platform, bumping Justin Bieber's "Baby" music video to the third most disliked YouTube video in history. A month later, it clocks in at 8.7 million dislikes.

To the company's credit, it did acknowledge the flub in its 2019 wrap-up. This year, YouTube skipped the scripted sketch in favor of a round-up of the year's most liked videos.

"In 2018, we made something you didn't like," the video's narration said. "So in 2019, let's see what you DID like."

But, it should have been “in 2018, we made something you didn’t like. So, in 2019, we’ll do what we always did- make fake crap without keeping in touch with the community!”

In an attempt to make for 2018’s disastrous YouTube Rewind, YouTube on Thursday released last year’s annual look back on the platform’s best moments in the form of its YouTube Rewind 2019 compilation.

This tactic, however, did not work, and for another year in a row, YouTube’s receiving more hate than love for its efforts. “YouTube is like that one teacher who tries to act cool but fails miserably,” one user commented following the video’s release. “This rewind is just a WatchMojo video without the voice over,” another said.

TBLS discipuli felt similarly. Justin went as far as to say that "all the likes on 2017-2019 rewinds are just from the youtube employees themselves, or maybe bots liking it."

Josh felt similarly, and said that "Youtube rewind stopped having good content the moment they kicked out Pewdiepie. Bring him back or we will launch a raid at youtube headquarters!"

This year’s rewind was just a list of things being read as a video, like when your mom and dad review shopping items as a “fun car game”.

With all the backlash, the video has so far racked up 8.7 -million dislikes on YouTube, which is triple the amount of likes it has so far received.

Youtube is probably just going to make more rewind videos until everyone stops using youtube altogether. My opinion is that youtube should stop making these stupid videos and leave it to real youtubers who know what they’re doing.


Disclaimer: The views presented are not representative of all the beliefs of TBLS or the TBLS Latineer, but rather the individual author.

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